
How-to: Turn Down Yr Toothache The Herbal Way

How-to: Turn Down Yr Toothache The Herbal Way

Toothaches are literally the worst, espesh for those of us with debilitating snack attacks. While going strictly slurps has its popsicle perks, Orajel and its fellow mouth-numbing medications however remain fairly yuck. Praise jah there's a ~natural solution~ to our medicinal need that's super simple to make.

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Sore Muscle Rub To Kickstart Yr Heart

Sore Muscle Rub To Kickstart Yr Heart

As soon as this soreness creeps in, our presh bods need rest and relief stat for muslce repair. And while it's easy to reach straight for the pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories, skip those and opt instead for your very own sore muscle rubs.

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