
How-to: Turn Down Yr Toothache The Herbal Way

How-to: Turn Down Yr Toothache The Herbal Way

Toothaches are literally the worst, espesh for those of us with debilitating snack attacks. While going strictly slurps has its popsicle perks, Orajel and its fellow mouth-numbing medications however remain fairly yuck. Praise jah there's a ~natural solution~ to our medicinal need that's super simple to make.

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Herbal Vapor Rub To Save Yr Runny Nose

Herbal Vapor Rub To Save Yr Runny Nose

After almost definitely reaching my max intake of alkaseltzer and nasal spray I thought it may be more effective to try the proven Bloom method of just whippin' together our own herbal remedy that we can safely slather all over our body without fear of overdose warning.

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Green Clay And Rosemary Face Mask

Clay is a solid, fat and moist earth that can be found in all different varieties: red, green, brown, grey, pink, yellow or white. Each type has its own properties, which are determined by where it comes from and how deeply it is mined. 

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How To: Container Herb Garden

No homestead should be without a collection of herbs, whether planted in your garden or grown in pots along the kitchen window. A variety of herbs can attract beneficial insects, act as companion plants...

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Peppermint Lavender Sunburn Lotion

Peppermint Lavender Sunburn Lotion

Moisturizing daily is one of the better habits to form with the inevitable reality of getting older.  All vanity aside, nourishing your skin with the proper moisturizers is one of the easiest, and most effective, methods to...

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