Winter Wellness: Simple Rosehip Syrup

Known mostly for well groomed gardens and sexy-time bubble baths, roses don't usually come to mind when we think of food or good nutrition. Yet all parts of the rose, especially the hips (fruit), are high in the biomolecule tannin. Tannin is a naturally occurring astringent and generally protects its plant host from predators and bacteria. Roses are also an excellent source of bioflavanoid antioxidants including rutin, that help strengthen our heart and blood vessels, and prevent degeneration of tissue. 

Rose hips have been commonly used throughout history for prevention and treatment of colds and flu, due to its it’s high vitamin and mineral content. Compare the nutritional content of oranges to rose hips and you will find that this tiny fruit contains 25% more iron, 20% to 40% more Vitamin C (depending upon variety), 25 times the Vitamin A, and 28% more calcium. In fact, rose hips are on of the most concentrated forms of Vitamin C available.

In addition, rose hips are a rich source of pectin (good for yr gut!), Vitamin E, Vitamin D, selenium, manganese, and B-complex vitamins. Rose hips also contain trace amounts of magnesium, potassium, sulfur and silicon. In addition to being an immune system booster, rose hips have shown to help with stomach ailments like spasms, ulcers, acid deficiency, diarrhea and constipation. We have no words for how truly revitalizing this tiny oval of perfection is. Jah speed if you go without this body cleanser throughout winter.

Rose hips can be used in a variety of recipes, including teas, jams, and one of our personal faves, syrup. The sweet simply syrup offers health protection and gastronomic delight. Drizzle it over muesli, stir it in some sparkling water for a refresh, or maybe top it with your fave non dairy ice cream. Too far? Nah. 


2 cups rose hips (either dry or fresh)
4 cups water
2 cups organic turbinado sugar

Makes 1 pint




1. Bring the rosehips and water to a boil. Then let simmer for 20 minutes (don't wanna cook out all that vitamin C). 

2. Remove from heat, and mash up the rosehips with a potato masher to get as much of the goodness out into the water as possible.

3. Add the sugar, and bring to the boil again, simmer, and make sure all the sugar is dissolved, then strain through a sieve and bottle that bih up.